If you are registering a new student, please visit to begin the process.
If you began a registration during the school year and did not complete it, please contact the registration office at 734-744-2541 and we will be happy to help you finish your child’s registration.
For other questions related to your elementary student, please contact Cindy Herbeck at 734-744-2589. For all other concerns, please call 734-744-2500.
Free to you Fundraising is a great way to support our school!
Shop at Kroger? Join Kroger community rewards!
Use Amazon? AMAZON SMILE is a way to support the Grant PTA with most Amazon purchases on either the web or the Amazon app. Visit to select Grant as your charity of choice. Once you’re set up online, go to Settings on your Amazon app to turn on Amazon Smile.
BOX TOPS are still around but looking a little different these days. Most Box Tops are now clip-free, meaning they need to be submitted electronically instead of physically. All you need is a smart phone. Download the Box Tops app, and during set up, choose Grant Elementary School (zip code 48150) as your school. Then shop as you normally would and scan in your printed receipts or forward your email receipts. The app will automatically credit Grant with your Box Tops earnings online. If you have clipable Box Tops, save them! We will collect them after in-person learning resumes.
SPIRIT STICKS are popular collectibles for students that are sold at PTA sponsored events and at different times throughout the year.
SPIRIT WEAR is a great way to show your Gator pride! Select from a wide variety of apparel with fun and uniquedesigns for kids and adults. It’s all done online at Free shipping is available